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Replies: 41 - Views: 640
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): dear santo_islam and arjunvenugopal97 and sajibbd are selected to mods... and selected users be ready to face interview call and as our interview base to decide our possitions... (chatmod 0r Form mod)

our riyasweb hasbeen selected to our new battle judge... so mr. riyas be ready to face interview next...
-starx-Congrash-starx- *
05-09-12 - 03:24:18
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): Congratulation!
4.riyasweb. .up. -clap- *
05-09-12 - 04:17:31
-65432santo_islam (Unstopable Lover): .thanx..:F Munna Bhai *
05-09-12 - 04:31:29
-65432santo_islam (Unstopable Lover): .thanx..:F @tuhin4u *
05-09-12 - 04:32:20
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love):
Vote Our Fav. Mod For Being a MW Battle Judge:
1. Tuhin4u Votes: 4(25%)
2. Riyas Votes: 9(56%)
3. ontor_sumon Votes: 1(6%)
4. sujeet Votes: 1(6%)
5. arie Votes: 1(6%)
26 08 12 - 02:35 *
05-09-12 - 07:46:54

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