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Replies: 63 - Views: 717
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): I beleve that friendship is a trurted gift , and to get that gift is not so easy and after geting that if u just live your friend for succes then you are fool its what i belive *
10-11-07 - 20:17:06
-109876simply_mae (Unstopable Lover): Not all bestfriend can make us happy,sometimes they cause a lot of pain... *
10-11-07 - 23:26:14
-109876simply_mae (Unstopable Lover): When i was in college i had a bestfriend we almost like sister, but later i found out that she fake our frndshps bcoz shes after to my fiance, to make the story short she snatch my happiness...GODBLESS THEM... *
10-11-07 - 23:40:58
-65432tijana (Vinyl Shaker): I think i just lost someone but not my fault. And the feeling is like i lost part of myself-cry- *
12-11-07 - 02:35:11
-shawn (True Lover): Sometime some people leaves us for without reason, but we cant forget them, we miss them everytime, when they were with us they behaves like they are our best friends but when they werent with us they ignores to contact with us. WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT THAT KIND OF FRIENDS ? *
12-11-07 - 02:46:11

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