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Replies: 55 - Views: 785
-mushkan (Lover): love is love no harts na no risk *
16-03-10 - 07:44:35
-Medal1514131211sapna (Super-Mod!): Why does love have to hurt so much?

when we go through a breakup, our eyes get puffy from lack of sleep and crying. Our chest hurts probably not so much from an actual breaking heart but more likely shortness of breath coz we are in 'FEAR' mode, why does love hurt so much..
Yes, when we are losing love 0r at least we are in fear that we are losing love. And fear blocks love. When we go into that mode, it seems that we are creating more of what we dnt want...
16-03-10 - 08:29:42
-21sujeet (Mariana V.I.P): Love does nt hurt person hurt. *
16-03-10 - 11:16:39
-Certified1ridana (MW smart personality of 2010): love is a poison which test sweet where both people drink it slowly slowly *
16-03-10 - 11:22:27
-Certified1514131211ronit_kapoor (Unstopable Lover): coz of unexpected thing in life..... so... never do that.... specially with those who loves u....:) *
17-03-10 - 03:11:52

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