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Replies: 80 - Views: 1510
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): The first showed that Newton's Three Laws of Motion were only approximately correct, breaking down when velocities approached that of light. The second showed that Newton's Law of Gravitation was also only approximately correct, breaking down in the presence of very strong gravitational fields. *
30-12-07 - 09:35:28
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): Here, we only summarize the differences between Newton's theory of gravitation and the theory of gravitation implied by the General Theory of Relativity. They make essentially identical predictions as long as the strength of the gravitational field is weak, which is our usual experience. However, there are three crucial predictions where the two theories diverge, and thus can be tested with careful experiments. *
30-12-07 - 10:01:31
-msngr_of_d_end (True Lover): Interaction of mater & enrgy > physics *
29-01-08 - 16:58:52
-msngr_of_d_end (True Lover): Photon > a prticle of lyt *
29-01-08 - 16:59:48
-msngr_of_d_end (True Lover): Energy> capacity or ability 4 doing wrk *
29-01-08 - 17:01:03

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