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Replies: 50 - Views: 346
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): In Nigeria, 63% of the students in higher education qualify in social services where the counter needs maximum of 40%. In fact, educated unemployment problem which is the genesis of the brain overflow is to be witnessed in many LDCS, more particularly in Columbia, China, India, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and South Korea. *
16-09-11 - 22:09:37
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): The surplus/unutilized brain power may arise due to (i) over production, (ii) low employment generation (iii) non-availability of suitable job where brain may be optimally utilized (iv) existing brain power lacking in experience/competence for the available jobs requiring a fairly high standard of efficiency, excellence and training. *
16-09-11 - 22:10:20
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): Surplus brain power may be interpreted both in absolute and relative senses. In quantitative term, there may be over production of brain, and qualitatively the jobs may be too good for the brains 0r the brains may be too good for the jobs, leading to non-utilization of brain power in ;a given economy. Surplus brain power has zero opportunity cost. *
16-09-11 - 22:10:59
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): The migration of this surplus brain constitutes an overflow and is not at all harmful, rather it is considered helpful for the solution of general unemployment problem. *
16-09-11 - 22:12:01
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love):
(b) Brain expoert:-
Brain migration may take the form of brain export by the sending country. The brain exporting country receives in exchange for brain, remittances continuously over a number of years. The payment may be spread over a number of years in the form of remittance of tax, it mat be a once-for ever lump sum exit tax. *
16-09-11 - 22:12:53

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