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Replies: 53 - Views: 728
-4321panil (Unstopable Lover): allways SACHIN TENDULKAR *
04-02-10 - 14:49:53
-amit-007 (Just In Love): Virendra shewag *
23-02-10 - 22:37:46
-4321shobhit_ (Love Geek): Viru. -mock- *
14-03-10 - 04:07:47
-21harjot (Mariana Freak): Viru bhai *
14-03-10 - 04:38:46
-kirankitty (Lover): sachin ramesh tendulkar the man who enters the stadium makes record he is the record breaker and record maker we proud to have a sachin in our country *
22-03-10 - 23:25:55

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