yusufsonara (Vinyl Shaker): In night when u sleep u pray to god or not nd if u pray what u pray to god? 05-03-07 - 11:46:49
swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): im an atheist so i dont believe in any god. when i was smaller i used to pray when i had a difficult time but i dont know for what god did i really pray, and i didnt believe in god at that time either (my prayers were like -if you exist, id be happy if..-) believing in god is impossible for me because i need proves before i can believe. * 05-03-07 - 14:17:08
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): really its hard to prove god but i should say universe is still not discovered yet, so we need to believe something and there is always a super natural power. Atleast i believe in my gods and time * 24-03-07 - 05:44:01
swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): i will be happy when the super natural power will be proved, because i like the idea of them :D i just dont believe in them. * 15-04-07 - 18:02:38