Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Introducing new feature, personal status. You can buy status from shop, where you will be asked to give the desired status. You give it and then click on the make it option. There are two feature. Append And Overwrite. Append will append the new status with the one you have and overwriting means it will overwrite the existing status 14-08-08 - 07:58:22
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): You can only have one add-on status with the existing or whole new which you like. Please be careful to chose your status, dont choose something which disqualifies you, like u chose admin or mod etc. When it will be appreoved by us, your status will come live. If it disqualifies, then 600 plus will be returned back to you * 14-08-08 - 08:00:38
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): To get a preview, search for the user robot and check his profile. I would like others to comment on this. Any comment is welcomed * 14-08-08 - 08:14:38