Replies: 4 - Views: 297
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-1guzze (Mariana Lover): My has essencial nutrient 4 human. So a life will music is not worth living.
01-10-08 - 10:36:10
-1guzze (Mariana Lover): You text is void, it has no meaning. *
01-10-08 - 10:38:03
-Certified321riyasweb (Banned! 4804 days 1 hr 9 min 26 Sec): .ohoh. I dnt get it man *
26-08-12 - 12:08:23
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): I can't understand. But I think music is a major part of our life. *
26-08-12 - 14:51:46
-65432arjunvenugopal97 (Hard Core Lover): without music,our life will be blank .think. *
27-08-12 - 03:33:50


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