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Replies: 11 - Views: 484
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-curious-child (Practice Mode): I have a problem my nokia 5000 does not recognize other sim, the only sim i used is smart and i also bought my phone in smart company, and when i change my sim, my phone say RESTRICTION CODE, i dont know what am i going to do, i need a site who know about the codes that can be help, User that know about this please help me, ill be forever greatful to you. thank you marianaworld. please respect my topic.
08-08-09 - 04:35:29
-curious-child (Practice Mode): the only tip i know is my imei code, then whats next im going to do. *
08-08-09 - 04:38:28
-1514131211mona786 (Unstopable Lover): *#7370# use and farmet you set. *
08-08-09 - 05:37:51
-curious-child (Practice Mode): no thats not what my phone need, that codes is for formating, and my nokia 5000 is not a symbian, i need a help from an expert of codes, hays, any expert here? *
08-08-09 - 06:19:53
-4321d0na27 (Unstopable Lover): ,d 0nly u need is 2 0pen netw0rk ur ph0ne..juzt g0 2 any smart b0oth n itz free 2 0pen netw0rk d any cp.. *
08-08-09 - 21:56:48

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