Replies: 25 - Views: 329
Post in Facebookbaydis (Vinyl Shaker): We are all here wit one nickname or the other. How did u come across this names? Felt it was the best name that defines u? Thought it was funny? Enough of d options. Do tell now how u came about them and why u chose 2 be addressed by such.
26-06-07 - 18:04:06
baydis (Vinyl Shaker): Hmmmmmm BAYDIS. It actualy came from some sort of undefinable root. I was in school one day n was just doin nothing. I startd writin n guess wot? D name just kept ringin in my head n i kept writin it ova n ova again.i guess its a name meant 2 b 4 me cos i neva heard it newhere b4. Today its already a part of me.
*26-06-07 - 18:11:22