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Replies: 12 - Views: 1147
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-murad (True Lover): Shrik means to ascribe partners to Allah 0r to worship other than Allah. In other words it is to disbelieve in oneness of God. Shrik is the most henious sin in Islam as the Quran describes," Allah forgives not, that parttners should be set up with Him, but He forgives any thing else, to whom He pleases; whoso ascribes partner to Allah has indeed invented a tremendous sin"(4:48)
29-12-09 - 00:29:20
-murad (True Lover): good *
29-12-09 - 01:06:47
-saira (Practice Mode): Agree.. *
04-01-10 - 05:26:51
-1loverboy07 (Mariana Lover): U rite..murad bhai. Allah shrik k siva har gunaho ko maff kar deinge *
19-01-10 - 06:19:16
-Certified4321de-paule (Love Geek + Stone's twinbro): yeah *
19-01-10 - 06:29:38

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>Spritual World>Shrik (Polytheism)