Replies: 4 - Views: 379
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-21code_red (True Core Lover): what do u think of cloning?
06-01-10 - 04:53:00
-21code_red (True Core Lover): Roman Catholic's against cloning..
There r sum studies nowadays which proposes cloning as an effective solution for sum medical research and the likes., Lookin at the negative side, cloning is cnsdered a sin, and is against the Law of God.. Yet, positively, cloning maybe one of the solution on the Law of Man... *
06-01-10 - 04:59:12
-1joeboy (True Lover): Clone is evil antichrist *
12-01-10 - 15:32:48
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Why do you say like that @joeboy? *
21-01-10 - 04:32:09
-Certified1divine (Mariana Party Freak): Clone help to us for made humans,animals,trees,etc. Clones special is we can made anything *
27-02-10 - 05:32:26


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