princess25 (Unstopable Lover): A long time ago,scientists proclaimed tha people found kissing pleasurable because when the two lips meet during kissing,an electric current was generated 04-03-10 - 01:27:26
princess25 (Unstopable Lover): We know this to be completely untrue but new studies have shown that when two people embrace,hormones are released into the blood stream which immediately induces a sense of euphoria when you feed on the sweetness of your mouth * 04-03-10 - 01:33:24
princess25 (Unstopable Lover): On a final note,let me tell that kissing does not involve the lips only.A real kiss makes use of the tongue,that sensuous organ you can use to delightfully explore the inner reaches of mouth * 04-03-10 - 01:40:00
princess25 (Unstopable Lover): Kissing is not wrong,is completely natural and logical progression in any relationship * 04-03-10 - 01:43:05