Replies: 4 - Views: 320
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-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): is there any possibility to know what each download thing actually is before downloading? wouldnt like to download a lot useless stuff as i cant delete them afterwards.
24-01-07 - 02:53:17
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): still now, we dont have this feature, but in the future i will try to put it up! *
24-01-07 - 10:15:00
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): thanku, it would make my life easier :) you will have so much things to do with all my suggestions XD i hope im not bothering too much. *
24-01-07 - 15:05:24
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): Downloads are still very much complexed. Thats why, i have only added the downloads idems but never downloaded anything till now. *
28-10-08 - 04:27:35
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): I've added categories, to make you understand which link corresponds to which category, so that you can differentiate the difference between a wallpaper and ringtones. I have added one section where you can add previews and/or reviews, so that users can look after them before downloading, but again it's depending on the users. So If you preview, you receive one game plus. *
07-01-09 - 22:33:11


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