Replies: 4 - Views: 82
Post in Facebook
-1hit-man (Mariana Lover): Any tips on how to get a six pack faster?
28-11-12 - 12:25:07
-1hit-man (Mariana Lover): gym *
28-11-12 - 12:25:48
-54321rak_ (Mariana Freak): Eat healthy and excercise... Simple tip!! *
28-11-12 - 13:23:30
-Certified321riyasweb (Banned! 4803 days 4 hr 36 min 46 Sec): hey its easy dude . just do push up .. *
29-11-12 - 06:52:16
-1bobby21 (Mariana Party Freak): One peg two peg three pag four pag five pag six pag .sleep. *
29-11-12 - 08:56:56


Home>Forums>General Stuff
>General Chat>How to get a six pack?