Replies: 4 - Views: 290
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-1514131211shyamsharma (Unstopable Lover): Hello! ever you meet to someone person due to wapchat?if yes?then post here that how you done it?&till where you reach?!
29-11-12 - 07:16:59
-1bobby21 (Mariana Party Freak): Yes i hv 2 Frnds *
29-11-12 - 10:27:45
-Certified321riyasweb (Banned! 4804 days 11 hr 50 min 37 Sec): .yeah. i find 1000 of frnds in wap *
07-12-12 - 10:01:40
-pankaj_1978 (True Lover): Nope lol *
27-03-16 - 08:00:25
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): I have 555 frnds in wap. *
27-03-16 - 10:53:23


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