Replies: 14 - Views: 219
Post in Facebookcutenasir (Mariana V.I.P):
Im deeply shocked to hear this heart wreckning news.. Im frm Pakistan but we have sisters all over world :( this is not Islam, not christinity, not Hinduism. Not even humanity.. :(
Those beasts would be put to a terrible death INSHALLAH.. Our all brothers n sistrs are condemning this unhuman act.. We are united.
we will show we dont bother whoever we are..We will give them a dread ful end with their lives INSHALLAH .angry. .kill. .devil. *28-12-12 - 23:50:40
cutenasir (Mariana V.I.P):
Friends, I promise... I will show it through my art in Pakistan.. And would lead the voice of Jyoti sister against this cruel act.. Im soon going to post paintings after exam INSHALLAH... Thats not all i cud do, i would try to do more for our sister *28-12-12 - 23:55:07
cutenasir (Mariana V.I.P):
*hug* yes.. Where would they hide? No, they cant.. The truth is they will be given a terrible death in public. And inshALLAH the girls mother would punish them... .kill. .devil. They wil be put to justice. No body had ever hid from truth. They will face the punishment INSHALLAH.. *29-12-12 - 00:05:46