>Extended Info>Personality

Likes: ..kind? nice? and hAve a cUte smiLe!! yeah.. .
Dislikes: b0ring.. :( gUyz hAving mustache!! and beaRd.. !eeeiww!!
Bad Habits: lazy.. .haha.
Good Habits: d0n't kn0w?? :(
Sport: ..biLLiards.. oh! i Love it!!
Music: r&b.. !meLLow if i'm sAd..
More text: my heArt is Like an opEn bo0k..it depends on h0w u read me..d0n't judge me by my c0ver! just Lo0k inside..and disc0ver!! i'm wiLL be y0u're true friend f0reveR.. .cute.

>Extended Info>Personality